2024 AAG Conference
Fresh air- Fresh thinking
57th AAG Conference Hobart Tasmania
When: 12-15 November 2024
Where: Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart, Tasmania
What: 57th AAG Conference and Pre Conference workshops
The AAG Scientific Conference Committee will soon invite submissions of abstracts for presentation at the 57th AAG Conference.
We welcome abstracts from anyone with an interest in ageing, including researchers, educators, aged care and health practitioners, policymakers, students, consumer advocates and other experts who are interested in better understanding the nature of ageing, and improving the lives of older people. In addition to reports of empirical research findings, submissions presenting ideas, critical reflections or case studies from practice, policy or the lived experience are also welcomed.
All Thinktank, symposium, oral and poster presentation submissions should include how the presentation connects with the conference theme and what participants will learn or gain from the presentation.
The six themes for 2024 are:
- Arts, design, innovation & technology
- Climate, environment and food
- Health and Medical
- Policy, advocacy, planning & change
- Service delivery, workforce & reform
- Social Engagement & Wellness