About Us » Links
New Zealand Websites:
Professional and research organisations
- New Zealand Division of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine www.anzsgm.org
- AUT Centre for Active Ageing www.acaa.aut.ac.nz
Ageing-related information and services
- Age Concern New Zealand www.ageconcern.org.nz
- Age Well: Health promotion for older people in New Zealand www.agewell.org.nz
- Families Commission www.familiescommission.govt.nz
- Family and Community Services, Ministry of Social Development www.familyservices.govt.nz
- Ministry of Health www.moh.govt.nz/olderpeople
- Super Seniors, Ministry of Social Development superseniors.msd.govt.nz
- Retirement Commissioner www.retirement.org.nz
- Statistics New Zealand www.stats.govt.nz
International Websites:
Gerontology organisations
- Australian Association of Gerontology www.aag.asn.au
- British Society of Gerontology www.britishgerontology.org
- Gerontological Society of America www.geron.org
- International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics www.iagg.com.br
Research information
- Ageing Research Online www.aro.gov.au
- Centre on Policy and Age www.cpa.org.uk/ageinfo/ageinfo2.html
- National Institute on Aging www.nia.nih.gov
- United Nations Programme on Ageing www.un.org/ageing/
Health Services
- A Guide to Geriatrics www.nursegroups.com
Although this page includes links providing direct access to other Internet sites, said access does not constitute endorsement by the New Zealand Association of Gerontology, which takes no responsibility for the conduct or information contained on those other sites and does not exert any editorial or other control over the material found therein. Suggested changes or recommendations to the links listed here can be made by contacting the Webmaster.