Half over 50s have no Retirement Plan
Originally published by Radio New Zealand

A new study has found many over-50-year-olds are failing to adequately save for retirement.

A joint survey of about 1,000 people, released by the Financial Markets Authority and the Commission for Financial Capability, (formerly the Retirement Commission) showed only half of those approaching retirement had a financial plan. The Commission’s General Manager of investor capability, David Boyle, said many people were not aware of how much they needed on top of their superannuation.

“There are those who view it as too hard to do, or just don’t have the time, or haven’t made the effort,” he said.

Those who have made the effort to do a plan, generally are far better off in retirement.

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The road to reducing dementia onset and prevalence: are diet and physical activity interventions worth investing in?
Originally published by Australian Policy Online

In Australia, deaths as a result of dementia have now taken over cerebrovascular disease as the second leading cause of death. At present, over a quarter million Australians suffer from dementia and projected estimates indicate that the figure can reach a high of nearly one million by 2050.

Diet and physical activity have been shown to promote brain health and offer some protection against cognitive decline. Moreover, they have also been recognized as risk factors for developing other conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertensive diseases and certain cancers all of which are leading causes of death in Australia.

Research shows that higher ratios of saturated fat to monounsaturated fats are predictive of negative mental function.

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