Dr Kevin Ross (CEO Precision Driven Health) What is AI ? Dr Ross offers a good introduction of AI and ADM, where we are and where we are heading. And demonstrates probabilistic text generation using Chat GPT.
Dr Daniel Wlson (PhD in Philosophy and Masters in Data Science from Waipapa Taumata Rau) "There is a Taniwha on its way with teeth of silver and gold. Do not fear the teeth of silver and gold, just do not allow it to become your god" Aperahama Taonui. Dr Wilson addresses the cultural safety and ethics related to developing and applying AI in Aotearoa NZ.
Dr Amanda Williamson (Deloitte Manager leading AI and data projects and products, with a focus on understanding and addressing client challenges through strategic data and technological solutions.) ; Dr williamson outlines how AI has been harnessed and deployed ethically to support older people's health & wellbeing, and presents case studies.
Facilitated by Prof Ngaire Kerse (Joyce Cook Chair in Ageing Well, President NZAG)